
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Indian Steel Projects - Following the Global Meltdown

India with huge resources of iron ore, cheap labour and managerial skill has created strong and enviable competitive conditions for steel making in the country. It is also a place where steel demand growth potential is enormous judged by any criteria. Therefore, naturally, the country received enthusiastic response from the investors worldwide to set up steel capacity once the industry was deregulated in the early nineties. While the initial response to opportunities in the nineties did not end with corresponding level of success, the reappearance of supportive conditions in the steel and raw materials market provided another chance to prospective investors. This time, they were with more concrete plans and stronger will.

While progress was held back by the global economic turmoil beginning the middle of 2008, the industry is sure has not given up. Different projects are at different stages with some completed while others struggling to take off. The drawing boards are fully occupied. The economic crisis has changed the basic economics of the projects. Changes have been incorporated everywhere. Sizes, technology, product mix and even the phasing of the projects have been changed.

Where do the viability of the major steel projects stay today in the changed conditions of the steel and raw materials market and with China continuing to raise new capacity? Will the steel industry in the developed world die to provide one more chance to the Indian steel industry? Have the changed conditions in the economy made the planned product mix of the steel makers unsuitable in the emerging conditions?

The Indian steel projects have now been studied in the context of the emerging reality in the global steel. The entire study is based on information collected from neutral sources and provides an independent perspective.

“The Indian Steel Projects : Following the Global Meltdown” is the latest book by Dr. A.S.Firoz, an eminent economist and steel and natural resources expert, examines the Indian steel projects in detail . It is a lot of information, analysis and strong commentaries to support a decision maker take correct strategic view of the industry in the short and medium term.

The report is extensively chart based and the 148 pages of it contain numerous charts and tables, apart from, and most importantly rigorous analytical content with views of a globally renowned expert in the industry. It is reading must for all related to the business of the steel industry in India.

To see details of contents, please visit

Report summary: Updated July 2009 Edition
Price: INR 95000 or USD 2000
No of Pages: 138
Format: PDF file
Delivery: By E mail

An inaugural discount of 20 per cent will be provided to bookings made by the 7th of August 2009. Also, those who had bought reports of the same author earlier through will be entitled to a discount of 20 per cent over and above the inaugural discount.

Ordering the report is simple. Pease send a mail to for getting an invoice


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