
Monday, September 14, 2009

Land acquisition hassles delay TATA Sponge coal mining project

BS reported that the hassles in the land acquisition process may delay production from the Utkal-E coal block allotted to TATA Sponge Iron Limited and coal production from this block is now likely to resume only in early 2011 instead of the current year.

Sources said that 200 hectares of government land is yet to be handed over to the company for the INR 500 crore coal mine project though the state government had earlier signed MoU with the company.

Mr Ujjwal Chatterjee GM of TATA Sponge Iron Limited said that “The coal mine project needs about 1000 hectares of land out of which 600 hectares are private land. Of the remaining 400 hectares, 200 hectares are forest land while the rest 200 hectares are government land under the Chhendipada tehsil.”

He said that “The company has deposited INR 64 crore with the state government for private land acquisition.”

On acquisition of forest land, he said, the matter is under the consideration of the local divisional forest officer. He added that “Once we get the forest clearance and complete the process of land acquisition, we will make no delay in initiating production from this coal block which was allotted to us in 2006.”

The coal mine project is being taken up by TATA Sponge Iron in association with two other private players Scaw Industries of Dehnkanal and SPS Sponge Iron Limited of Sundegarh.

(Sourced from


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