
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Metso increase growth and stronger global market position

Metso Corporation’s Board of Directors has decided to modify the company’s business structure in order to more effectively reach the company’s future business targets.

According to the decision, Metso’s Power business, which is presently part of Energy and Environmental Technology segment, will be integrated with Paper and Fiber Technology segment. Recycling business, also currently part of Energy and Environmental Technology, will be managed as a separate entity and Metso will review other strategic alternatives for it.

Mr Matti Kähkönen CEO of Metso said that “Our order book is currently at the record high level giving us good backbone for further development. To ensure continued profitable growth and value creation of Metso, and to gain the critical size needed to be competitive, we have made decisions to sharpen our business portfolio. We are focusing on businesses in which we can have a strong global market position and in which services and technology close to the customers are decisive competitive advantages. Short and long term value creation through growth and profitability development has been the major factor in selecting the way forward. Additionally, with this decision, we aim to increase the simplicity and transparency of Metso’s businesses.”

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