
Monday, November 2, 2009

Central government intervenes to expedite POSCO work

After central government's intervention to expedite POSCO work district administration has shown interest to expedite POSCO project activities in proposed site at Erasama thasil near Paradip.

Meanwhile, POSCO Company has placed INR 3.23 cores near IDCOL to expedite land acquisition process for its steel project recently.

As per report, commissioner cum secretary of industry department has directed the district administration for preparedness for 'Ribbon Cutting Ceremony' to be launched by South Korean President Lee-Myung Bak at the plant site in on January 2010.

Similarly, state government has also give emphasis to conduct the Rehabilitations and Periphery Development Advisory Committee in the month of November to finalize the rehabilitation and settlement package for the displaced families.

It is the real acid test for district administration how to conduct these two challenging tasks within two to three months in spite of strong protest of the activists of POSCO Pratirodha Sangram Samiti.

Meanwhile, PPSS activists have strongly protested the South Korean president's visit and POSCO activities in plant site. They have tightened the security at Dhinkia and Gobindpur village for preventing the entry of district and POSCO officials. Mr Abhaya Sahoo president of PPSS threatened that they have chalked out their strategies to protest South Korena president's visit and other POSCO activities.

(Sourced from


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